Rainbow Snippets

On spring break, well last day before having to drive home. So my be awesome day is me doing laundry. Hmmm less than awesome but then again I have Journey to Babel to watch, one of my favorite old Treks.

Have a little more of These Haunted Hills , where in when last we saw them, Brendan was afraid he’d be afraid if a ghost really did show up. It’s a bit more than six sentence this time.

“Give us a sign you’re here,” Josh entreated. “If you can hear us, give a little knock on the wall.”

Brendan caught his breath, waiting. He started breathing again when nothing happened. He nearly bowled Josh over when a faint knocking sounded.

“Oh my god, was that real? Did you do that?” Brendan glared at Joshua’s feet as if he could see them moving now after the fact.

Josh glanced over at him, a huge grin on his face. “Not me and I heard it too. Do that again. We hear you. You can talk to us, tell us what you need to! We’re listening.”

The door slammed shut and Brendan felt weak-kneed. “Josh, we couldn’t even open that thing. It couldn’t have blown shut.”

If you’d like to play along, Rainbow Snippets is a Facebook community where we post up 6 sentences of one of our LGBT stories every Saturday. It’s been fun and you can find it here. Be sure to check out all the offers! It’s been a great supportive group!

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