Rainbow Snippet

Since Blood Red Roulette turned into a misfire (back to the drawing board) I decided to find something else to share. However, it’s a crazy busy weekend so why not something that’s already out there in the wild. And since I’m working on Dad’s computer right now with a version of word so old that it can’t open docx files, I’m rather limited.

Here’s a little something from Soldiers of the Sun, my 1930s demon hunters (menage, more action/adventure than actual romance). Temple has just met his new partner who is related to General Taglioferro, head of this faction of the Soldiers of the Sun (Taglioferro is the he Temple’s referring to).

“He said he was going to castrate me if I touched his niece!” Temple blurted out as his partners nearly doubled over, laughing at him. “I can’t believe that he partnered me with a bird,” he moaned.

“I can’t either. We all know what you’re like. You’re going to look stupid neutered,” Caleb wagged his head.

“He will get fat and doughy. With his coloration he will look like a plump snowman with a bloody head,” Agni said, rubbing his chin.

Blurb Caleb Davies and Agni Pradesh are worried about their teammate and lover, Temple Chevalier. Not only has he lost his long-time partner, Fu Li, but he nearly died fighting a demon himself. Also, Temple isn’t sure he’s ready for a new teammate after Li. Caleb and Agni are even more concerned that their three-way relationship with Temple exists less because he loves them and more because he’s hiding from the pain of Li’s loss.

1932 shapes up to be a terrible year for the Soldiers as they welcome the New Year fighting demons and then end up investigating a case that pairs them up with the Knights Templar. This would normally be a good thing, but it forces Temple to face his painful past. Worse yet, the case leads right to Astaroth, a Prince of Hell, who might prove to be an unbeatable foe.

You can find Soldiers of the Sun here

If you’d like to play along, Rainbow Snippets is a Facebook community where we post up 6 sentences of one of our LGBT stories every Saturday. It’s been fun and you can find it here. Be sure to check out all the offers! It’s been a great supportive group!

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